Krumland Auto Group Presents Career Opportunities to Auto Tech Students

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

Krumland Auto Group Presents Career Opportunities to Auto Tech Students

February 24, 2020

Krumland Auto Group Presents Career Opportunities to Auto Tech Students


Representatives of Krumland Auto Group and Ford Corporation met with Automotive Technology students earlier this month to talk about careers and opportunities in the growing automobile industry.  Michael Moore, Executive Director of Krumland Auto Group, Michael Gusta, Ford Service Engineer – Phoenix Region and Cesar Martinez, Regional Technical Talent Placement Specialist –  Phoenix Region, encouraged students to continue their education for the best employment prospects.

Martinez said his job was to recruit and retain employees with Ford Motor Corp. He works to help change the culture and perception of what it means to be an automotive technician. He told students it is a great career with salaries often topping $100,000 a year.

Gusta travels around New Mexico and urges students to have a positive outlook for their futures. “Find something you like, something you are good at and something that someone will pay you to do,” he said.

 Moore said Krumland Auto Group is working to ‘grow their own’ talent. Last year, the company established a scholarship for students enrolled in the Automotive Technology Program at ENMU-Roswell. Scholarship recipients receive customized tool cabinets with tools and, along with their parents, partner with the company to become part of the Krumland Auto Group family. The recipients for the Fall 2019 semester are Diego Ibarra and Jesus Chavez.

Moore said the Krumland Auto Group provides opportunities for students to establish good careers. “We need high school students to move up to the college level. We have work for all of you and we are at a great time now in the industry,” he said.

 Applications are being accepted for the next scholarship selection process. Students can apply for the scholarship through the Automotive Technology Program Director, Eric Gomez (575-624-7115) and Kimberly Andazola, Scholarship Coordinator (575-624-7114) in the Financial Aid Department at ENMU-Roswell.

Cesar Martinez talks to students about career opportunities with Ford.

February 24, 2020