Office of Admissions & Records
Academic Standing
Students who do not maintain adequate academic standing (Good Standing) will begin to progress from Academic Warning to Academic Probation and finally to Academic Suspension.
Academic Warning
- All students whose GPA falls below a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for the first time will be placed on Academic Warning at the end of that semester.
- Students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after being placed on academic warning will continue on academic warning status as long as their semester GPA is 2.25 or higher, or until the Cumulative GPA is again above 2.00.
- Students whose cumulative GPA and Semester GPA are below 2.0, and have attempted less than 16 hours will remain on academic warning status. Once 16 hours have been attempted, failure to meet either the semester or cumulative GPA requirement will result in Academic Probation Status.
Academic Probation
- Students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, whose semester GPA is below 2.25, and who have attempted at least 16 hours, will be placed on Academic Probation.
- Students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after being placed on academic probation will continue on academic probation status as long as their semester GPA is 2.25 or higher, or until the Cumulative GPA is again above 2.0.
- Students whose cumulative GPA remains below a cumulative 2.0 and semester GPA remains below 2.25 after one semester of probation will be placed on Academic Suspension.
Academic Suspension
- Students suspended for the first time will be allowed to apply for readmission to ENMU-Roswell after one regular academic semester (fall or spring) has elapsed.
- Students suspended for a second time will be allowed to apply for readmission after two regular academic semesters (fall or spring) have elapsed.
- Students suspended for a third time will be allowed to apply for readmission after a period of five years has elapsed.
- Readmission in any of these instances is not automatic.
Students whose cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or higher after being placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Academic Suspension, will be placed back into Good Standing status. Subsequent failures to meet the above academic standards will result in Academic probation or suspension statuses, accordingly.
Continuing students on academic warning, probation, and suspension waiver may enroll only during regular registration periods, and once grades have been posted for the current semester. Failure to meet the conditions of the Suspension Waiver may result in disenrollment, further suspension or denial of readmission to the University.
Students suspended from any ENMU campus are suspended from the University. Suspended students must apply for readmission to the University, regardless of the campus of enrollment, and must submit an Academic Appeal to the Academic Standards Committee. The Academic Standards Committee will review the appeal and determine whether or not the student will be allowed readmission to the University. Students allowed readmission after suspension will be placed on a suspension waiver with specified conditions for enrollment. These conditions may include a required minimum semester GPA, repeat of certain courses, or other requirements deemed appropriate by the Academic Standards Committee.
Dean's Honor List
Students enrolled for 12 or more credit hours at ENMU‑Roswell whose GPA is 3.25 or better at the end of the semester will be listed on the Dean’s Honor List. Audit courses are not included in the credit hour calculation. This list is prepared for the fall and spring semesters only.
Clemency Policy
The ENMU-Roswell academic clemency policy allows qualified students to redeem their academic record.
Students who have attempted college work previously and were not successful in their effort and now wish to resume their college careers but are held back by poor academic records may, through the application of academic clemency, exclude from current work the poor academic record under certain conditions.
To be considered for the academic clemency program, a student must have last attended ENMU-Roswell five or more years ago, be readmitted through normal channels, and complete at least 12 hours after returning with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.0 on those hours.
Students who meet these criteria may apply for clemency in the Office of Admissions & Records. No courses taken prior to the student’s return will be counted in the ENMU-Roswell GPA. Courses with a grade of “D” or better will be carried forward as earned credit only and can be used to meet degree requirements. Note:
- This policy pertains to the calculation of the GPA for progress toward degree completion and does not pertain to GPA calculated for professional certification and/or
- Students can apply for and benefit from this policy only once, and it is not reversible. Grades earned before clemency remain on the student’s record, and a statement at the time of clemency will explain the action taken.
- The student who has already graduated may not apply for clemency.
New Mexico Common Course Numbering System (NMCCNS)
New Mexico colleges and universities are in transition to a Common Course Numbering System (NMCCNS), designed to improve transfer and articulation of courses between New Mexico’s public and tribal higher education institutions. The NMCCNS uses four letters for the subject code and four or five digits for the course number. Currently, the NMCCNS includes all lower division academic courses offered at New Mexico's public higher education institutions. New disciplines, including career technical disciplines, may be added to the common course numbering system after convening of discipline specific faculty to review and identify equivalent courses. Commonly numbered courses have the same:
- Prefix
- Number
- Course name
- Course description
- Student learning outcomes – consistent among New Mexico institutions with learning outcomes, as defined in the New Mexico Common Course Catalog.
ENMU-Roswell will be in transition to the NMCCNS over an unspecified period of time; therefore, the college catalog, student course schedules and transcripts may reflect a combination of new numbers and numbers that are currently assigned to courses, effective in past years.
For more information regarding the New Mexico Common Course Numbering System, and to access the crosswalk, please refer to the NM Higher Education Department website at
Student Responsibility
While general education courses are designed to broaden the base of student knowledge, degree plans for ENMU-Roswell and other New Mexico institutions often designate specific courses that meet both general education requirements and degree requirements, thus saving students from accumulating a broad range of courses that count as required courses for general education but only as electives in the degree. A degree plan developed with an advisor during the first semester will help students achieve maximum efficiency in their coursework. Planning for meeting all requirements efficiently is, ultimately, the student’s responsibility.
Course Residency Requirement
Students must have completed a minimum of 15 credit hours of ENMU-Roswell campus courses to receive an associate degree. Students must have completed a minimum of 9 credit hours of ENMU-Roswell campus courses to receive a Certificate of Achievement. Students must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of ENMU-Roswell campus courses to receive a certificate of occupational training. Students must have completed a minimum of 3 credit hours of ENMU-Roswell campus courses to receive a certificate of employability.
Credit Hours and Course Load
All courses are recorded in terms of academic credit hours. Generally, one credit hour of instruction is equivalent to one 50-minute class period per week for 16 weeks. Courses that include laboratory work specify the number of lab hours required weekly. For self-paced courses or field experiences, credit hour value is not determined by class meetings.
Full-Time Students
Students who register for 12 or more credit hours per semester are considered to be full-time students. The normal semester load for full-time students is 12 to 18 credit hours; however, some programs require more.
Part-Time Student
Students who register for fewer than 12 credit hours per semester are considered to be part-time students.
Classification of Students
Students who have earned fewer than 29 credit hours are classified as freshman. Those who have accumulated 30 or more credit hours are classified as sophomores.
Student Load
A full-time course load is 12 through 18 credit hours during a regular semester and 6 through 12 during an eight-week summer session. Students exceeding 18 hours in a regular semester or 12 hours in a summer session require approval by the Assistant Vice President and will be assessed additional tuition.
Transcript Requests
Requests for transcripts must be submitted online through our new transcript request page
Students may also review and print unofficial transcripts from the student online secure system. Transcripts from other institutions will not be released to any other party or requestor.
Effective July 1, 2024 there will be a charge for Official Transcripts (Electronic, Mail, or Pick-Up)