Syllabus Supplement

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

Syllabus Supplement

Academic Calendar

Academic Integrity

Students are responsible for achieving academic and course goals and objectives as prescribed by their instructors and for demonstrating attainment in an honest manner. Failure to do so may result in either grade changes and/or disciplinary action. Misrepresentation of knowledge can influence a course grade or determination of satisfactory fulfillment of an academic requirement. In addition, the following acts, or any other acts of academic dishonesty, compromise the integrity of the academic process and community and are subject to disciplinary action. For further information about policies and disciplinary actions for academic dishonesty, refer to the [ Student Handbook ].
  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, offering the work of another as one’s own; offering the work of another without proper acknowledgment; and/or failing to give credit for quotations or essentially identical expressions of material taken from books, encyclopedias, magazines, reference works, term papers, reports, or other writings of another individual.
  • Cheating Behavior: Cheating behavior includes but is not limited to the following:
    1. Dishonesty of any kind on examinations, quizzes, written assignments, and projects
    2. Unauthorized possession of examinations, quizzes or instructor records
    3. Use of unauthorized notes or information during an examination, quiz, or exercise
    4. Obtaining information during an examination or assignment from another individual and/or assisting others in cheating
    5. Alteration of grades on an examination, an assignment, or records of an instructor or the college
    6. Illegal entry or unauthorized presence in an office of the college or residence of an instructor, or unauthorized access to grade records or examination and assignment requirements; and
    7. Any act of fraud or misrepresentation

Academic Misconduct & Disruptive Behavior

Detailed information can be found in the current ENMU-R [ Student Handbook ]. Any academic or non-academic misconduct will be reported to the appropriate administrative official and adjudicated in accordance with the ENMUR Student Conduct Policies. For students taking online courses, the ENMU-R Student Handbook is still enforceable. Communication that is threatening, sexual, and/or any other language that is unwelcome is strictly prohibited.

Academic Planning

Students are responsible to partner with their academic & faculty advisor(s) to plan each course into an academic program toward the completion of their program. All first-time students must see an advisor. Academic advising provides you with the critical information you need to make thoughtful decisions about your college career. This can include information about your program of study, career goals, elective courses, graduation requirements, etc. See an academic advisor regularly to ask questions, discuss your progress, and keep informed about registration procedures. Please note, Advising Services assists a large volume of students. To ensure that you receive the highest quality service, it is recommended that you schedule an appointment. Visit the [ Advising Services ] page for more information.


Operated by the Texas Book Company, the campus bookstore is located in the College Services Center. The bookstore is a full-service operation designed to meet the needs of the ENMU-Roswell campus community. All required textbooks and other related instructional materials are available each semester. The Bookstore distributes a policy for returns, exchanges, charge dates and buy-backs at the beginning of each semester. In addition to textbooks, the bookstore sells calculators, educational supplies, and other types of merchandise. To receive information on hours during registration periods for fall and spring semesters call 1 (575) 624-7192 or visit the [ Bookstore ] page.

Learning Management System (Canvas)

Canvas provides services to support online learners. Our primary goal is to support all of your Canvas needs. Distance Learning staff is available to answer your online course and technology questions. Please call or visit their offices in the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) room 140 or call 1 (575) 624-7224. You may also visit the [ Distance Learning ] page for more information.

Disabilities Services Office

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) covers issues relating to disability and accommodations. Students who have questions or need an accommodation in the classroom (all medical information is treated confidentially), should contact the DSO office at 1 (575) 624-7002.

The Disabilities Services Office provides services to students with disabilities to ensure accessibility to university programs. For academic purposes, our services include disability related information, extended testing, audio books, and large print exams. Academic accommodations are provided to eligible students free of charge.

ENMU-Roswell Emergency Notification System

Those who would like to receive emergency notifications from the ENMU-Roswell campus can opt-in by texting “ENMURO” to 888777. Please note that students, faculty, and staff are already set to receive notifications, if their contact information is up to date.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office at Eastern New Mexico University located in the Student Services Center is responsible for assisting students in obtaining funding for their education. Primary responsibility lies within the student and family. However, when the family contribution toward educational costs is insufficient, financial aid will be made available wherever possible. The programs administered by this office include Federal Pell and Supplemental Grants, Federal Perkins and Direct Student Loan Programs, New Mexico state grant, scholarships and work study and a variety of scholarships.

The staff of the Financial Aid Office at ENMUR are committed to delivering high quality services that are responsive to student needs. For more information, please stop by the office or call 1 (575) 624-7400 or visit the [ Financial Aid ] page. Please remember that you must attend classes to receive financial aid. If you stop attending or drop any course(s) you may be required to repay all or part of the financial aid received.

Library Services

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) includes library services, a Media Center, computer labs and offices, and the Student Success Center. The library has an extensive collection of books, newspapers, magazines, records and state documents. LRC staff members are available to help students, faculty, staff and patrons find the information and resources they need for course assignments, research and leisure reading. In addition, the library’s automated LIBROS card catalog can be used to locate information, both in the LRC, and in other LIBROS member libraries. The library offers access to a number of online databases covering a broad range of topics. These include FirstSeach, EBSCOHost, NewsBank and Gale Group Infotrac.

Through the library’s membership in the OCLC computerized network, students, faculty, staff and patrons have interlibrary loan access to the collections of over 66,000 other libraries worldwide. Please visit the [ Library ] page for more information.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or veteran status in its education programs, activities, employment or admission, and the University is required by Title IX and 34 C.F.R. Part 106 not to discriminate in such a manner. For more information on Affirmative Action, Title IX or disability services, go to

Out-of-Class Work Expectations

College courses generally require students to complete a majority of their work outside of class. A reasonable formula is to plan 2-3 hours of homework outside the classroom for every one hour inside the classroom. This formula may vary from class to class.

Proctored Testing

Detailed information is available on the [ Proctored Testing ] page

Registration Procedures

Registration details are provided in the current [ ENMU-R Catalog ]

Security Information

In all emergency situations, call 911. Once 911 notification is completed, a courtesy call to a campus security guard is advisable. Call 1 (575) 624-7180 for Emergencies and general security questions. After hours call 1 (575) 317-6179. Please visit the [ Security ] page for more information.

Student Code of Conduct

In order to provide an environment conducive to learning, the student must feel safe to engage in a free exchange of ideas. Any behavior, action, or event that interferes with learning, in either an online or face-to-face environment will not be tolerated. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to: inappropriate dress, verbal or physical abuse, or signs of being under the influence of a chemical substance. The instructor is the sole judge of what is appropriate in the class. Individuals affecting the learning or teaching process may be removed from the classroom for any length of time deemed appropriate to ensure a positive learning environment for all students. If the infraction is severe or continuing, an administrative withdrawal may be requested by the instructor to the Assistant Vice President of the instructional unit, and with approval from the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Policies and procedures concerning both nonacademic and academic misconduct are located in the current ENMU-R [ Student Handbook ].

Success Center

Located in the Learning Resource Center, the Success Center offers a multitude of free services, including tutoring, academic computer use, and printing! We have tutors for most subjects on campus, including math, science, CIT/BCIS, and writing across the disciplines. In addition to our tutoring and computers, we offer group collaborative spaces which allow students to work in groups in the privacy of Study Rooms with cutting edge technology. These spaces have large conference tables with close proximity to staff who can provide feedback and/or guidance on your group projects and presentations. Finally, if you need help brushing up on some on your academic skills, attend one of several workshops offered throughout the fall and spring semesters. Be on the lookout for flyers around campus and in your student email. Everything mentioned above is free for all enrolled students of ENMU-Roswell! Call 1 (575) 624-7225 or visit the Learning Resources Center page for more information.

Technical Requirements

Most ENMU-Roswell courses require reliable internet access, Adobe Acrobat Reader, a word processing program which is able to save .doc or .docx files, e-mail communication, the ability to download and attach documents, basic word processing skills, and the use of the Canvas LMS.

Withdrawal/Attendance Policy

Students may withdraw online from a course and/or completely withdraw from the University between the last day to register (end of the Drop/Add period) and the Friday of Week 10 of the regular semester, or the date designated in the semester course schedule.

Students with registration holds on their accounts; i.e. Special populations, student on academic probation or warning will not have the ability to withdraw from a course online. In this case, the student will be required to initiate the withdrawal with a signature from the designated instructor of the course or Program Director. The Assistant Vice President of the educational area of study will approve the withdrawal. In the absence of the area Assistant Vice President, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will approve the withdrawal. Upon obtaining the proper signatures and approval, the withdrawal will be forwarded to the Office of Admissions and Records for processing. A withdrawal will not be considered complete until the Office of Admissions and Records receives and processes it.

A grade of “W” will be posted for a course from which a student has officially withdrawn. Official withdrawals will count as attempted hours at the university, but will not count as a punitive grade in the calculation of the semester or overall GPA. Because a “W” grade counts in attempted hours for the term, and overall, it is very important to discuss plans to withdraw from a course with the Financial Aid Office staff, as a withdrawal from a course could affect future financial aid eligibility.

Refunds will be calculated for withdrawals according to the refund schedule/dates in the class schedule for the applicable semester.