To apply for academic accommodations, please complete the form by tapping the link below
Kimberly Childress
Disability Services Officer
1 (575) 624-7472
[email protected]
According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a disability is defined as a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities: self-care, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, learning, and working Students with disabilities have the right to equal access to courses, programs, activities, services, and facilities and are entitled to reasonable accommodations.
Academic requirements the University can demonstrate are essential to the program of instruction being pursued by such student or to any directly relate licensing requirement will not be regarded as discriminatory (104.44 of Section 504, American Disabilities Act).
Students with disabilities have the right to equal access to all courses, programs, activities, services, and facilities and are entitled to reasonable accommodations. The process of establishing accommodations is renewed each semester by the student, who contacts the Disability Services Office preferably during the first two weeks of the semester.
Academic Accommodations are not intended to lower the academic standard or provide anyone with an advantage over others. Disability Services Office does not issue waivers or make substitutions for courses listed in degree plans.
Disability documentation must be current, within the last five years. Acceptable documentation includes an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a neuro-psychological, or psychological, or psycho-educational evaluation. Objective evidence of a substantial limitation must be provided. The documentation must include the evaluator’s name, relevant professional credentials, and contact information. It must also be on official letterhead, typed, dated, and signed.
The Disability Services Officer reserves the right to request additional information. The cost for documentation is the responsibility of the student. All student information is kept confidential. If you have a disability that affects your academic performance, please provide current documentation from a qualified professional and schedule an appointment with the Disability Services Office.
Academic Accommodation Request Process
Academic Accommodations are provided to students enrolled and attending ENMU-Roswell. Students can apply for Academic Accommodations online or in person and are to be renewed each semester of attendance.
Apply Online:
- Open the Academic Accommodations Form
- Complete the Online Form
- Submit
Apply In Person:
To schedule an appointment, contact the Disability Services Office by phone at 1 (575) 624-7472. Students must provide the Disability Services Office with current and comprehensive documentation of a diagnosed disability. Disability Services Office is located in the Administration Center Office #111. Documentation requirements are as follows:
- Diagnosis: Documentation must include a diagnosis and be current (within the last five years)
- Types of Acceptable Documentation: Acceptable documentation includes an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a neuro-psychological, psychological, or psycho-educational evaluation
- Objective Evidence: Objective evidence of a substantial limitation must be provided
- Evaluator's Information: The documentation must include the evaluator's name, relevant professional credentials, and contact information
- Format: Documentation must be on official letterhead, typed, dated, and signed
Documentation can be emailed from your ENMU-Roswell student email account to [email protected]. If you have difficulty with your ENMU-Roswell student email account, contact the Helpdesk at 1 (575) 624-7491 or visit the Computer Services page to complete an online helpdesk request form.
Should you have any questions regarding Academic Accommodations, please contact Kim Childress at [email protected] or call 1 (575) 624-7472.
Accommodations are Not Retroactive
Accommodations are NOT retroactive will take effect when the following has been completed:
- The student has provided appropriate documentation to the Disability Services Office.
- The Disabilities Services Office receives and accepts the documentation.
- The accommodations a student receives are collaboratively developed by the student and the Disability Services Officer during the initial/intake meeting.
- The Disability Services Office will email the student and their instructor(s) the Academic Accommodations form for their records.
It’s the student’s responsibility to meet with their instructors to discuss their accommodations. All student information is kept confidential. The Disability Services Office reserves the right to request additional information.
Available Services
The following reasonable accommodations may be provided based on the student’s need:
- Taping of lectures
- Print enlargement
- Books in audio format
- Extended testing time
- Preferential seating
There is a Writing Center in the LRC (Library) with a Math and Science tutoring lab available for all degree-seeking students on campus. Please contact your academic advisor for additional information.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
In addition to notifying and documenting the need for Academic Accommodation(s), students with disabilities also have the following rights and responsibilities:
- Equal access to all programs
- Disability related records will be used to determine appropriate services and will be maintained separately from academic records.
- Students initiate all requests for accommodations.
- Students need to give the institution advance notice of needed accommodations.
- Students will need to meet with the Disability Services Officer for an intake appointment and discussion about the nature and impact of their disabilities.
- Submission of documentation is not the same as the request for accommodations; there are two different steps in the process of determination and provision of appropriate accommodations.
- The Academic Accommodation Form does not relieve the student from attending class unless absences are indicated in the documentation of the disability.
Disability Services Office Rights & Responsibilities
- The Institution reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of submitted documentation and requests for accommodation(s) on a case-by-case basis, using the professional judgement of the Disability Services Officer.
- Additional information may be requested to determine eligibility for accommodations.
- Relevant information regarding the student’s disability may be shared with those who have a legitimate educational interest (i.e., seizure disorders)