Academic Standings

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

Academic Standings

July 17, 2019



All students whose GPA falls below a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for the first time will be placed on academic warning at the end of that


Students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after being placed on academic warning will continue on academic warning status as long as their semester GPA is 2.25 or higher or until the

cumulative GPA is again above 2.0.

Students whose cumulative GPA and semester GPA are below 2.0, and have attempted less than 16 hours will remain on academic warning status. Once 16 hours have been attempted, failure to meet either the semester or cumulative GPA requirement will

result in academic probation status.

Students who do not maintain adequate academic standing (Good Standing) will begin to progress from Academic Warning to Academic Probation and finally, to Academic Suspension.

Students whose cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or higher after being placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or Academic Suspension, will be placed back into Good Standing status. Subsequent failures to meet the above academic standards will result in Academic probation or suspension statuses, accordingly.


Students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0, whose semester GPA is below 2.25, and who have attempted at least 16 hours, will

be placed on academic probation.

Students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 after being placed on academic probation will continue on academic probation

status as long as their semester GPA is 2.25 or higher, or until the cumulative GPA is again above 2.0.

Students whose cumulative GPA remains below a cumulative 2.0 and semester GPA remains below 2.25 after one semester of probation

will be placed on academic suspension.

Continuing students on academic warning, probation and suspension waiver may enroll only during regular registration periods and once grades have been posted for the current semester. Failure to meet the conditions of the Suspension Waiver may result in disenrollment, further suspension or denial of readmission to the University.


Students suspended for the first time will be allowed to apply for readmission to ENMU-Roswell after one regular academic

semester (fall or spring) has elapsed.

Students suspended for a second time will be allowed to apply for readmission after two regular academic semesters (fall or spring)

have elapsed.

Students suspended for a third time will be allowed to apply for readmission after a period of five years has elapsed.

Readmission in any of these instances is not automatic.

Students suspended from any ENMU Campus are suspended from the University. Suspended students must apply for readmission to the University, regardless of the campus of enrollment, and must submit an Academic Standing – Appeal for Readmission Form to the Academic Standards Committee. The Academic Standards Committee will review the appeal and determine whether or not the student will be allowed readmission to the university. Students allowed readmission after suspension will be placed on a suspension waiver with specified conditions for enrollment. These conditions may include a required minimum semester GPA, repeat of certain courses, or other requirements deemed appropriate by the Academic Standards Committee.

Transfer Students Probation and Suspension

If students on probation from another university wish to enroll at ENMU-Roswell, their first semester of attendance will be a probationary semester. Students may be suspended at the end of that semester if they fail to obtain a 2.0 semester grade point average.

If students on suspension from another institution wish to enroll in courses at ENMU-Roswell, they may appeal to the Academic Standards Committee for an admission waiver. They should be warned, however, that credits earned during suspension periods may not be accepted by receiving institutions.

July 17, 2019