Distance Learning

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell
1 (575) 624-7224

Distance Learning

1 (575) 624-7224

What is Distance Learning?

Distance Learning is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically designed to deliver course content over the internet, without the need to attend a learning institution. Distance learning is flexible to meet learners needs yet maintains the same rigor as a traditional campus course.

The Learning Management System (LMS) that is used at ENMU-Roswell to facilitate distance and hybrid learning is called Canvas. Students have the opportunity to attend classes online or in-person or both, depending on the needs of the student and the structure of the course. Hybrid learning is an educational model that combines traditional classrooms and lecture halls with online tools.

LMS Support Hours

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

and on Friday
By Appointment

The Distance Learning office is located in the Intsructional Technology Center (ITC), Room 140

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a Web-based course management system that allows faculty to create Web sites for courses that enhance or deliver course instruction. Students enrolled in courses supported with Canvas have access to support materials posted by the instructor (using syllabi and assignments), links to Web-based materials, discussion boards and chat rooms, and online quizzing. Each instructor customizes their course, using a variety of “tools” as mentioned above.

Directions for Logging Into Canvas

Canvas, as well as other software applications provided to our students, are hosted on our student portal CosmoLink. To access your course work, you’ll first need to log in to the student portal. If you do not know what your username or initial temporary password are, you should follow the account pickup process [ here ].
Once you have successfully signed in to CosmoLink, you will see a red icon labeled ‘Canvas’. You can then tap/click on the Canvas icon to access your online courses.

Remote Support

Pamela Patterson
Distance Learning

There are times when the Canvas support person might need to view your computer screen to help you. In these cases, you will be asked to join a Quick Assist session with the Canvas Administrator.

Remote support using Quick Assist includes the following features:

  • Attended* Assitance on Windows & Mac
  • No permanent installation
  • Access ends as soon as the program is closed
  • Sessions begin with a link sent to your email of choice

*attended sessions must be initiated with the consent of the student, and cannot be established without their knowledge

Technical Requirements

Use the browser checker to see if Canvas supports your browser and operating system. The checker will run automatically when going to the Supported Browser and Computer Requirements for Canvas.

Ideally, you should have the following:

  • A computer running PC (Windows 10 newer) or Mac (10.8 or newer)
  • Ethernet or wireless network card (for high-speed Internet connection)
  • T1, DSL, cable or satellite high-speed connection
  • Courses with multimedia may require a sound card, speaker, webcam and/or microphone. (This is specified in the course syllabus.)