ENMU-Roswell Foundation Announces Spring Scholarship Recipients

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

ENMU-Roswell Foundation Announces Spring Scholarship Recipients

March 6, 2019





March 6, 2019


CONTACT: Donna Oracion, (575) 624-7403



The ENMU-Roswell Foundation has awarded more than $30,000 in scholarships to students this spring semester. Mary Garcia, John Hawk, Hunter Johnson, and Marisol Moriel each received the ENMU-Roswell Foundation Scholarship for $1128. Ramon Montoya and Amber Rivas received the Desk and Derrick Scholarship for $1000 each. Mendi Acosta, Camille Armijo, Ariana Chavez, Veronica Conde, Jeanette Fischer, Eternal Flores, Cassandra Jolley, Dorsey Kelley, Apryl Kirkham, Aileen Luna, Sara McClain, and Melissa Olivas received the William H. McCutchen Memorial Scholarship for $1247 each. The Thomas M. Coates Aviation Scholarship for $1000 was awarded to Raquel Molina. Bertha Hernandez and Aileen Luna received funds from the Claribel Marshall Trust Scholarship. Veronica Conde, Eternal Flores, Jayci Grantham, and Aileen Luna received funds from the Sally Pacheco Memorial Scholarship. Mendi Acosta received the $1000 Saul Sanchez Nursing Scholarship and the $1000 Sharon Farris-Stern Nursing Scholarship. Ariana Chavez and Bertha Hernandez were awarded the Maria de Los Angeles Gonzalez Scholarship for $600 each.

For information on all available scholarships, contact the Financial Aid office on campus at (575) 624-7400. For information about the ENMU-Roswell Foundation, contact Craig Collins, Foundation Coordinator at (575) 624-7304.




March 6, 2019