The Financial Aid Office at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, located in the Student Services Center, is responsible for assisting students in obtaining funding for their education. Primary responsibility lies within the student and family. However, when the family contribution toward educational costs is insufficient, financial aid will be made available wherever possible.
The programs administered by this office include Federal Pell and Supplemental Grants, Direct Student Loan Programs, New Mexico State grants and scholarships, work study and a variety of outside scholarships.
Students deserve dependable, accurate, respectful, honest, friendly, and professional service. We, the staff of the Financial Aid Office at ENMU-Roswell, believe we should contribute to and be supportive of the educational mission of the University. We are committed to delivering high quality services that are responsive to your needs.
56 University Blvd., Roswell, NM 88203
1 (575) 624-7400
[email protected]
Our Staff
Applying for Financial Aid
2024 - 2025 FAFSA®
Submit the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) now!
Visit studentaid.gov
You’ll need yours and your parent(s) / spouse 2022 tax information – or you can use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, which will be an available option on the FAFSA® application, to automatically import all tax information.
For more information, please call 1 (575) 624-7400 or to schedule an appointment to complete your FAFSA®, please call 1 (575) 624-7201.
Beware of Scams
Title IV Code of Conduct
Types of Financial Aid
Financial aid is money in the form of loans, grants and employment that is available to students to help pay the cost of attending a college, university or vocational/technical school. Financial aid comes from the federal government, which is the largest provider of aid, as well as state governments, schools, and a variety of other public and private sources.
Merit Based Aid
Need Based Aid
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
Please feel free to visit the New Mexico Higher Education Department website, or contact the Student Services Center at 1 (575) 624-7000 for more information regarding State Grants.
Work Study
Students apply for work-study by indicating on their FAFSA® that they are interested in work-study. If students are not initially awarded as part of their financial aid award package, they can submit a work-study request form to the Financial Aid Office.
Once awarded, the Financial Aid Office will notify students of the work-study process, which includes:
- How to find a position on campus
- Work-study Guidelines
- How to view Work-study balances
- Work-study Balance Tracker
Federal Direct Student Loan Program
The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program offers low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), though the entity you deal with, your loan servicer, can be a private business. Loans are borrowed money that have to be paid back over a period of time, usually after the student leaves school. Federal loan programs include the Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans and the Parent Plus Loan. Direct loans are funded directly from the Department of Education.
Student loans, unlike grants and work-study, are borrowed money that must be repaid, with interest, just like car loans and home mortgages. Students cannot have these loans canceled because they didn’t like the education they received, didn’t get a job in their field of study or because they’re having financial difficulty. Loans are legal obligations, so before borrowing a student loan, think about the amount that will have to be repaid over the years. The guide titled Be a Responsible Borrower: Plan Ahead and Graduate With Less Debt can help students learn more about federal student loan debt.
Students must submit a student loan request form to the Financial Aid Office before a student loan will be offered. The amount you are eligible to borrow depends on your grade level and dependency status. Repayment of loan and accrual of interest varies with the type of loan.
Entrance and Exit Counseling
All Student loan borrowers are required to complete an Entrance counseling session before loans funds are disbursed and an Exit counseling session at any time students cease to be enrolled in at least a half time status.
Entrance Counseling – Ensures that students understand the terms and conditions of the loan prior to loan funds disbursing.
Federal Student Aid – Entrance Counceling
Exit Counseling – The federal government requires students to complete a student loan exit counseling session prior to graduating or stop attending at least half-time. The purpose of the session is to help students understand their rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower and help setup repayment plans and contact information after they leave school. If students do not complete exit counseling, lender(s) will assign a repayment option.
Federal Student Aid – Exit Counseling
Additional Steps:
- Complete Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Master Promissory Note (MPN)
- Financial Awareness Counseling
- Repayment Estimator
Direct Subsidized Loans and Unsubsidized Loans
Students must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours to be eligible for a Direct Loan. There are two types of Direct Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Student must be an undergraduate student and have unmet need to receive a subsidized Loan. The U.S. Department of Education will pay (subsidize) the interest that accrues on subsidized Direct Loans during certain periods. Unmet need is not a requirement to obtain an unsubsidized Direct Loan. Students are responsible for paying the interest that accrues on unsubsidized Direct Loans.
To Apply for a Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan, students must:
- Complete and Submit a Loan Request Form along with any additional information as indicated on form
- Complete an Entrance Counseling Session
- Complete a Master Promissory Note
Direct PLUS Loans for Parents
Direct PLUS loans are loans a parent (biological, adoptive, or in some cases, stepparent) of a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least 6 credit hours can obtain to help pay the cost of education. PLUS Loans are credit based. If parents do not pass the credit check, they may still be able to receive a loan if someone, such as a relative or friend who is able to pass the credit check, agrees to endorse the loan. Undergraduate students attending ENMU-R whose parents are denied a Parent PLUS loan may be eligible to receive additional unsubsidized funds.
Alternative (private) Student Loans
Federal student loans may have competitive interest rates and more flexible repayment options than alternative (private) loans from banks or other private sources. ENMU-R will certify an alternative loan for the amount requested for the term or aid year up to the estimated cost of attendance calculated for the number of credit hours enrolled.
For more information regarding student loans, please contact the Student Services Center.
How to Apply
The very first step a student must take is to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®). When submitting the FAFSA® students are applying for federal and state grants, loans, work-study, and possible scholarships. At ENMU-Roswell there are 3 convenient ways to file for financial aid:
- Fill out and submit your FAFSA® online at studentaid.gov (School Code: 002661)
- Print a PDF version of the FAFSA® from fafsa.gov and mail it in
- Students can schedule an appointment with the Student Outreach Office for assistance completing the FAFSA® online. Student Outreach offices are located in the College Services Center, Suite 202, 1 (575) 624-7201.
The following documents will be needed to complete the FAFSA® for the 2023-2024 academic year:
- Student and (spouse/parent) 2021 Federal tax information
- Student and (spouse/parent) 2021 W2’s
- Social Security Card/Driver License
- Documentation of other financial assistance received for 2021
The following documents will be needed to complete the FAFSA® for the 2024-2025 academic year:
- Student and (spouse/parent) 2022 Federal tax information
- Student and (spouse/parent) 2022 W2’s
- Social Security Card/Driver License
- Documentation of other financial assistance received for 2022
We recommend that all students apply as soon as possible. Some types of aid are limited in funding, so apply as soon as possible each year.
To receive financial aid students must:
- Have financial need, except for some loan programs.
- Have a high school diploma or High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), pass a test approved by the U.S. Department of Education, or meet other standards your state establishes that are approved by the U.S. Department of Education
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
- Have a valid Social Security Number
- Sign a statement of educational purpose and a certification statement on overpayment and default (both found on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®)
- Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program. NOTE: Audit Courses are counted towards regular enrollment and Financial Aid will not pay for these courses.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
Satisfactory Academic Progress
The Financial Aid Office is required by Federal regulation to determine whether a student is enrolled in a degree-seeking program and is meeting satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements. All classes a student enrolls in must be required for his/her declared degree. The student’s entire academic records are considered in determining eligibility for financial aid whether or not they have previously received aid. The Financial Aid Office reviews academic progress after each semester, including summer terms. SAP is met if a student is achieving a 2.0 cumulative GPA or better, the pace is equal to 67% or higher and the student has not reached 150% of the credits required for a degree or certificate program.
Failure to maintain these standards may result in loss of financial aid eligibility
Qualitative Standard A 2.0 minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all coursework attempted. Quantitative Standard A 67% minimum completion of all courses attempted. Pace of progression is measured by dividing the cumulative hours the student has earned by the cumulative hours the student has attempted. Maximum Time Frame Attempted credit hours may not exceed 150% of the number of credit hours required for ones program of study. The limit will vary for each program. Please refer to the University catalog for the required length of each degree or certificate program.
- ELIG (Eligible): Student meets all the conditions of maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
- WARN (Warning): A student will be placed on Warning Status if he/she failed to achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA or better or if his/her pace is below 67%. Students on warning status will be eligible to receive financial aid during that period. At the end of the warning period, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better and a completion rate of 67% or above to continue receiving financial aid.
- OFFAID: A student is OFFAID when he/she fails to make satisfactory academic progress during a warning term or completes the semester with grades of all F’s and, therefore, ineligible to receive financial aid.
A student who is OFFAID has two options:
- Appeal by completing a SAP appeal form or Attend at his/her own expense until the student raises his/her cumulative GPA to 2.0 and has a 67% completion rate. It is a students’ responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office when he/she has met the SAP requirements so that his/her SAP status can be evaluated. TIME (Maximum timeframe) A student has exceeded the time frame limit for his/her declared degree or certificate. Student may not receive Title IV financial aid for courses that do not meet the requirements for completing his/her declared degree program. The timeframe for degree completion is limited by Federal regulations to 150% of the published length of the degree program. Please refer to the University catalog for the required length of each degree or certificate program.
- Credit hours attempted will include completed credits, incompletes, withdrawals, transfer credits, and repeated or failed classes. If due to withdrawals, failed courses or change in degree program, etc., the student exceeds the maximum number of attempted credits for his/her program or a student cannot complete the program of study without exceeding the maximum timeframe, then he/she will no longer be eligible for Federal financial aid for any future terms. Students have the right to submit an appeal for an extension of timeframe status.
- Business Administration 67 credits x 150% = 101 credits for Associates Degree
- Nursing 74 credits x 150% = 111 credits for Associates Degree
- Certificate Program Example: (COT) Child Development 31 credits x 150% = 47 credits
- (COE) Automotive Technology 38 credits x 150% = 57 credits
ALERT Student is close (110% or greater) to reaching his/her time frame limit for the declared program of study. A student will be notified that he/she is close to the timeframe limit and will be required to submit a Financial Aid Appeal.
SAP NOTIFICATIONSA student will be notified via his/her ENMU-Roswell student email account at the end of each term regarding SAP status for the next semester of attendance. Emails are also sent to a student to notify them of Financial Aid Appeal results.
SAP notifications are based on available information at the time the process is run. This information is subject to change or correction. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student who has been notified of a SAP status to document and report to the ENMU-Roswell Financial Aid Office any corrections to information (such as grade changes, consortium agreements, etc.) used to determine SAP status. Any aid released to a student who is subsequently determined to be ineligible for financial aid under the rules of SAP will be returned and the student will be responsible for any balance on his/her account.
FINANCIAL AID APPEALS (SAP Appeals)A student who is OFFAID for failing to meet Satisfactory SAP may regain eligibility by successfully appealing to the Financial Aid Administration if he/she had an extenuating circumstance that prevented him/her from successfully meeting SAP standards.
An extenuating/special circumstance must exist and be supported by additional documentation in order to file an appeal to regain financial aid eligibility. A special circumstance may include injury, illness, the death of a relative, or other special circumstance during the term the aid was received. Circumstances do not include a lack of dedication to his/her studies, not understanding the impact of withdrawals, etc.
A student who is ALERT (close to timeframe for designated program of study) will be required to submit an appeal to the Financial Aid Administration as stated above. Also, those students who have reached maximum timeframe (TIME) can submit an appeal regarding an extension of timeframe.
All submitted documentation for a Financial Aid Appeal is confidential and only used to verify and support a student’s appeal.
A student may be approved for reinstatement on a probationary status of no more than one term to resolve all deficiencies. A student who appeals, but for whom it would be mathematically impossible to resolve all deficiencies in one term, will be placed on an academic plan. Appeals must provide documentation of circumstances on which the appeal is based. Appeals must also specify why the student failed to satisfy SAP requirements and what has changed in the student’s situation.
PLAN (Academic Plan) Students may be placed on an academic plan upon submission of a successful appeal. If it is mathematically impossible for a student to resolve all deficiencies during one term of attendance and the student’s reason for appeal is appropriate according to Federal regulations, the student may be placed on an academic plan with the end goal being to resolve all deficiencies. An academic plan varies in length and will be determined after the appeal is approved and will not be the same for all students. It does not have to equate to the exact number of terms it would take a student to resolve all deficiencies. Students granted aid eligibility through an academic plan may receive aid for the term. If the student is meeting the criteria identified in the SAP appeal approval at the end of the term, the student’s academic plan may be extended. If students fail to meet the terms on the plan, the students will be OFFAID. The student cannot appeal if denied aid while on an academic plan.
SPECIAL SERVICES STUDENTS – Some Special Services programs at ENMU-Roswell have a Comprehensive Transitiion Program (CTP) designation with the Department of Education and are eligible for Title IV financial aid (except loans). These particular students follow the attached SAP Policy. Special Services SAP Policy
BACHELOR’S DEGREE STUDENTS – A student with a Bachelor’s degree is not eligible for financial aid at ENMU-Roswell due to the time frame limit.
TRANSFER STUDENTS – The assessment of a student’s academic progress will be based on the student’s entire academic record to include all hours from other institutions, whether or not financial aid was received. Transfer students entering ENMU-Roswell must be enrolled in a program of study which leads to a degree or certificate.
A student’s file will not be reviewed until it is complete and all academic transcripts are received, so a student may not know his/her satisfactory academic progress eligibility until after the semester has begun. This could also mean that a student may have a SAP status of TIME, which was explained above, which will mean he/she is not eligible for financial aid.
WITHDRAWING FROM CLASSES – Students who enroll in classes are responsible for officially withdrawing from classes which they are not attending or planning to attend. Students that stop attending classes and do not officially withdraw will receive a failing grade. In these cases, students that received Title IV funds may owe all or a portion of the money received back to the school and/or the Federal Government. Students who owe money back are not able to enroll in school, receive Title IV assistance or obtain academic transcripts until the balance has been paid in full.
NOT ATTENDING CLASSES – The law makes clear that Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the funds are awarded. If a student never attends at least one class then the student is not eligible for Title IV funds.
Federal Register/Citations for Federal Student Aid Programs 34 CFR 668.21 Treatment of Title IV grant and loan funds if the recipient does not begin attendance at the institution. A) If a student does not begin attendance in a payment period of period enrollment- (1) The institution must return all title IV, HEA program funds that were credited to the students account at the institution or disbursed directly to the student for that payment period or period of enrollment, for Federal Perkins Loan, SEOG, Teach Grant, Federal Pell Grant, ACG and National SMART Grant program funds; and (2) For Direct Loan funds.Important Dates
Summer 2024 | Fall 2024 | Spring 2025 | |
FAFSA® Submission priority dates | March 1 | March 1 | October 1 |
Financial Aid Appeal Priority deadline dates | May 24 | August 9 | January 25 |
Final Appeal dates for semester | May 31 | September 16 | February 7 |
Bookstore charge dates | May 24 – June 7 | August 9 - 26 | January 3 - 20 |
Semester begin and end dates | June 3 – July 26 | August 19 – December 10 | January 13 – May 6 |
Saturday classes, part of term, and certain academic programs start and end dates may vary | |||
Last day to add and drop classes | June 4 | August 23 | January 17 |
Financial Aid funds released | June 10 | September 2 | January 27 |
Mid-term Exams | October 7 - 10 | March 3 – 7 | |
Last day to withdraw from a class or University | June 28 | October 25 | March 28 |
Registration Opens | TBA | April 2 | November 1 |
Final date to submit Special Circumstance requests | N/A | October 31 | March 31 |
Final date to submit Student Loan requests | June 30 | October 18 | March 14 |
Final Exams | June 22 – 26 | December 9 - 13 | May 5 - 9 |
Graduation | N/A | December 12 | May 9 |
Student Loan Exit Counseling Sessions ITC Computer Lab – Room Number TBA | N/A | TBA | TBA |
TBA | TBA | ||
TBA | TBA | ||
TBA | TBA | ||
Estimated Cost of Attendance
Estimated Cost of Attendance | New Mexico Resident | Out-of-State Resident |
Tuition | $1,872.00 | $5,232.00 |
Fees | $414.00 | $414.00 |
Books and Supplies | $1,548.00 | $1,548.00 |
Room and Board | $6,542.00 | $6,542.00 |
Personal Expenses | $2,411.00 | $2,411.00 |
Transportation | $1,967.00 | $1,967.00 |
Totals | $14,754.00 | $18,114.00 |
Return of Title IV Student Funds
Return of Title IV Financial Aid / Official and Unofficial Withdrawals
Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws (officially or unofficially) the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.
- Official withdrawal – Student begins the official withdrawal process or provides official notification to the school of his or her intent to withdraw, the date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew would be the date the student began the official withdrawal process, or the date of the student’s notification, whichever is later.
- Unofficial withdrawal – Student ceased attending classes and did not begin the official withdrawal process or provide notification of his or her intent to withdraw or leave the school, the date of the institution’s determination that the student withdrew would be the date that school becomes aware that the student ceased attendance. In most of these cases students will receive all F’s at the end of the semester and the last date of attendance will be the date the instructor enters on the Banner grade sheet. If an instructor does not enter a date, attempts are made to contact instructors to determine the last date of attendance and/or if the student stopped attending classes.
The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 changed the formula for calculating the amount of aid a student and school can retain when the student totally withdraws from all classes. If a student withdraws from ENMU-Roswell, the school, the student, or both may be required to return some or all of the federal funds awarded to the student for that semester.
If a recipient of Title IV grant or loan funds withdraws from a school after beginning attendance, the amount of Title IV grant or loan assistance earned by the student must be determined. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned, unearned funds must be returned. If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, and for which the student is otherwise eligible, he or she is eligible to receive a Post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received.
Please note that if the student never actually began attendance for the payment period or period of enrollment, the student is not eligible for Title IV funds, and adjustments to awards must be made.
This policy applies to all Title IV federal aid recipients with disbursed aid from any of the following Federal programs: Federal Direct Stafford Loans (unsubsidized and subsidized), Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans, Federal Pell Grant, and Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG).
A student who withdraws from all classes prior to completing 60% of the enrollment term is subject to having his/her aid adjusted based on the percentage of the term completed. Up through the 60% payment period or period of enrollment, a prorata schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60% point the payment period or period of enrollment, a student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds he or she was scheduled to receive during the period.
The formula used in the federal Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation divides the aid disbursed to student accounts into “earned aid” and “unearned aid.” During the first 60% of the period of enrollment (semester), students "earn" Title IV funds in direct proportion to the length of time the student remains enrolled. "Unearned" aid is the amount of disbursed Title IV aid that exceeds the amount of aid earned under the formula. Students contemplating withdrawal from all classes PRIOR to completing 60% of the term should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss how this will affect their financial aid and satisfactory academic progress status.
(For example, a student who withdraws from all classes after completing only 30% of term only earns 30% of aid disbursed or received on his/her account. As a result, the school or student must return the 70% of the disbursed/received aid that was not earned.)
Example of how Return of Title IV is calculated: The percentage of the period a student remains enrolled is derived by dividing the number of days attended by the number of calendar days in a term/semester (excluding breaks of 5 consecutive days or more). This is referred to as the percentage completed (% completed).
EARNED aid is calculated as follows: Total aid disbursable multiplied by % completed
If EARNED aid equals disbursed aid, no action is required.
If EARNED aid exceeds disbursed aid and the student still has aid that has not disbursed, the university must calculate a post-withdrawal disbursement. The student is notified by letter, email, or phone regarding the aid to be disbursed to the student account and to verify whether or not the student wants funds disbursed for the term. The student will be given 14 days from the offer to respond to the inquiry. The Financial Aid Office has up to 180 days to disburse funds after the withdrawal date has been determined. (This is for post withdrawal disbursements)
If EARNED aid is less than disbursed aid, the school must calculate the difference to be returned by the school and by the student. The calculation is as follows:
[A]UNEARNED aid: Total aid disbursable minus EARNED aid
[B]Percentage of UNEARNED aid (% UNEARNED): 100 minus % completedThe school’s share of the "unearned" aid is the lesser of the total amount of "UNEARNED aid" [A] or the school charges multiplied by the "Percentage of UNEARNED aid" [B]. This amount must be returned by the school.The student’s share is the difference between the total unearned amount and the school’s share. UNEARNED aid minus school’s share equals student’s share. This amount must be returned by the student.
The Financial Aid Office must complete the R2T4 withdrawal calculation within 45 days from the date the University determines the student withdrew. Students are responsible for any balance on their student accounts due to official or unofficial withdrawal calculations.
All “F” Grade Recipients
A student receiving all ‘F’ grades is required to comply with the federal Title IV Refund Policy (R2T4). When federal financial aid either partially or fully pays educational expenses and the student receives all ‘F’ grades, the Financial Aid Office is required by federal regulations to comply with the Title IV Refund Policy.
The school must determine whether the student earned the failing grade by completing the course (after 60%) but failed to achieve the course objectives or earned the failing grade because he or she stopped attending classes. Instructors are required to enter a last date of attendance for any student they enter an F grade for and they enter -0- as date of last attendance if students never attended classes. If no date is entered attempts are made to contact students and instructors to determine a last date of attendance or if the student never attended a class(s). In most cases these are resolved and R2T4 is performed on students who stopped attending classes prior to completing 60% of the period of enrollment. If not information can be obtained the Mid Point of the semester is used as the last date of attendance.
Why do we monitor students receiving all ‘F’ grades?
The school is obligated by federal regulation to review aid recipients receiving all ‘F’ grades. The assumption behind the law is that a student receiving all ‘F’ grades walked away from the semester without properly withdrawing from the University. Schools must identify students with ‘F’ grades within 30 days from the date final grades are posted.
When are students notified that he/she may owe money back to the school?
After all withdrawals (official and unofficial) are processed students are sent emails and letters informing them of their status; if they owe money back, consequences of the withdrawal, deadline dates to respond to correspondence and timeframe to repay any money back to school and/or Department of Education. ENMU Roswell normally contacts students at midterm if he or she has all D’s and F’s as their midterm grades informing them of the withdrawal process if they stopped attending classes or other options if they are just having difficulty in the class(s).
After any withdrawal is processed the students are notified that they are responsible for repaying any portion the school returned and any amounts the student is required to return, if any. The school does not make payment arrangements with the student for the student portion of the recalculation. If the student does not repay the total amount due if there is a student portion, the student portion is referred to the Department of Education for collections. The school processes the official and unofficial withdrawal as soon as notification is received regarding the official withdrawal or soon after end of semester grades are posted.
The Financial Aid Office sends a list of students to the Business Office who officially and unofficially withdraw and owe money back to the school so that their records can be placed on hold.
Aid Eligible Certificates
All associate degrees are eligible for financial aid at ENMU-Roswell. Many of our certificates are also approved but not all of them. This is a list of all the certificates that are currently approved for financial aid.
Certificate of Occupational Training
- Bookkeeping/Accounting
- Emergency Medical Technician – Paramedic
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning - Refrigeration Technology
- Medical Assisting
Certificate of Employability
- Community Paramedic
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced (AEMT)
- Behavioral Sciences – Alcohol & Drug Abuse Studies
- Media Arts – Film Technology
- Media Arts – Graphic Design
- Phlebotomy
- Welding Technology – Basic