General Requirements

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

General Requirements

July 18, 2019

In order to attend ENMU-Roswell, students must complete an Admissions Application prior to registering for classes. Sufficient time must be allowed, usually 24 to 48 hours, for processing the admissions application. Although ENMU-Roswell is considered an open enrollment institution, certain documentation is required for consideration of financial aid eligibility, placement in classes, and transfer evaluation. It benefits the student to have the following documentation submitted to and reviewed by the Admissions and Records department staff as soon as possible after admissions to facilitate the decision-making process. The following documentation is necessary for consideration:

  1. Application for admission – completed online or by completing a paper application downloaded from the ENMU-Roswell website and submitted to the Admissions and Records office
  2. High school transcripts from an accredited institution (North Central Association and/or the State Department of Education); or
  3. A satisfactory score on a high school equivalency test, and/or completion of the ACCUPLACER™ Placement Test (see more information in the TESTING SERVICES section)
  4. Official transcripts from all previous colleges, universities, and technical-vocational schools attended
  5. Additional documentation may be requested, as needed, subsequent to an initial review of documentation submitted at admissions.

Official transcripts are those sent directly by an official of the high school and or college(s)/technical school(s) to the ENMU-Roswell Office of Admissions and Records. The University cannot accept copies of transcripts in a student’s possession. All transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records as soon as possible after admission to the institution. A registration hold will be placed on the student’s file until all transcripts are received and reviewed. A student misrepresenting or failing to disclose information, including failure to declare previously attended colleges, in the completion of the admission form will be subject to disciplinary action and possible dismissal from the University.

July 18, 2019