InstitutionalResearch Office DATA Request Form ; Institutional Research Data Request Form ; Form to request institutional research data. Your ENMU-Roswell email address* Your Phone*Your Group or Department*For example, Financial Aid, Success Center, Math Department, Faculty Senate, etc.Briefly describe the data required. What questions are you trying to answer?*What format would you like your data?CSVExcelPDFWordPlease tell us how you would like your data delivered.What is the intended use of this data?*For example: presentation, internal decision making, etc.Strategic InitiativeSS1. Develop a strategic enrollment management plan for the University.SS2. Increase student retention and completion.SS3. Improve overall customer service.SS4. Enhance campus safety and security.SS5. Restructure high school dual credit program administration.FS1. Encourage and support ongoing professional development.FS2. Develop additional opportunities for career enhancement.FS3. Improve campus-wide communicationPlease indicate the strategic initiative this is tied to.By what date do you need the data?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Plan ahead. Give at least three weeks' notice for most requests.How often will you need this data?*For example, once, monthly, every semester, etc.Files supporting your request. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: csv, xls, xlsx, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, png, gif, jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB. Please attach any files you may have that will help support your request.