EL Lab
Eastern New Mexico University - RoswellProgram for Academic Support Services
Welcome, Bienvenido, 환영, Bienvenue, 欢迎, ようこそ, أهلا بك
At ENMU-Roswell, we strive to help you succeed in your courses. Our English Language Lab supports non-native speakers of English in reading, writing, listening, speaking and vocabulary courses to develop critical thinking and communication skills in order to succeed in their courses at ENMU-Roswell. We house a safe place for you to ask questions one-on-one or as a small group.
The EL Lab is a computer laboratory open to ENMU-Roswell students and faculty. We offer resources for foreign language and ESL learners.
Ready to succeed?

The EL-Lab is Open
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
and on Friday
8:00 AM to NOON
The EL Lab is located inside of the Library which is located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) building, RM 118
How can I work at the EL Lab?
We are always looking for quality tutors. Requirements include the following:
- Have a GPA of 3.0 or greater
- Successfully completed the desired course with a grade of B or better
- Recommendation from your instructor
We help with any ENMU-Roswell course, and we team up with the Writing Lab to help you improve your English
Who Is Eligible to Use EL Lab?
ENMU-R students enrolled in any courses are eligible to use EL Lab
How Do I Use EL Lab?
Enter our Lab, located inside of the library, and we will help you navigate our room
Do I Have to Make an Appointment?
The EL Lab does not require appointments. However, you can make an appointment here if you would like to book a specific time slot.
Additional Resources
Free Online Education