About the Fire Science Program
Modern fire service requires personnel with comprehensive knowledge of all phases of fire protection. The Fire Science program provides instruction in general and specific areas of fire prevention, investigation, technology, and firefighting tactics. Additional courses are offered in fire service administration and fire service management. Three areas of emphasis are available in the program:
- Structural Firefighting,
- Wildland Firefighting, and
- Emergency Medical Services
General education courses do not have to be completed prior to enrolling in Fire Science courses. Credit for training will be awarded after the student is enrolled as a student at ENMU-Roswell.
Credit for Industry Credentials
Training must meet one of the following requirements:
- International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) certification
- National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)certification
- National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) credentialed courses
- National Fire Academy courses
- New Mexico State Fire Academy courses
- Preapproved departmental courses.
Program Learning Outcomes
Fire Science A. A. S.
In addition to supporting institutional learning outcomes and building upon the foundational general education outcomes, upon completion of this program students will be able to:
- Compare and contrast the components and development of the fire and emergency services.
- Understand theoretical concepts of how fire impacts major types of building construction.
- Identify the fundamental theories of fire behavior and combustion and differentiate the various types of extinguishing agents.
- Understand the concepts of risk management and mitigations as it pertains to emergency services.
- Understand code enforcement as it impacts life and property loss.