Respiratory Therapy Program

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell
1 (575) 624-7217

Respiratory Therapy Program

1 (575) 624-7217

About Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory therapists are allied health care professionals who specialize in caring for patients with lung and heart issues. Respiratory therapists aid in the prevention, testing, and treatment of cardiopulmonary disease, such as asthma, emphysema, and sleep disorders. Their patients range from premature infants with undeveloped lungs to elderly patients who have diseased lungs. They also provide emergency care to patients suffering from heart attacks, drowning, trauma, or shock. Respiratory Therapists are employed in a variety of settings, including hospitals, home care agencies, long-term care facilities, aeromedical transport, sleep labs, and medical equipment suppliers.

CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education programs in the United States. To achieve this end, it utilizes an ‘outcomes based’ process. Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the educational goals of the program are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented.

Associate of
Applied Science


The ENMU-Roswell Respiratory Therapy Program is accredited by the

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)

264 Precision Blvd.,Telford, TN  37690

1 (817) 283-2835

Program Number: 200455

CoARC’s outcomes webpage:

Program Learning Outcomes

Respiratory Therapy A. A. S.

In addition to supporting institutional learning outcomes and building upon the foundational general education outcomes, upon completion of this program students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to comprehend, apply, analyze, and evaluate information relevant to their role as a Registered Respiratory Therapist
  • Demonstrate technical proficiency in all skills necessary to fulfill the role as a Registered Respiratory Therapist
  • Demonstrate personal behaviors consistent with professional and employer expectations for a Registered Respiratory Therapist