Try It, Track It Form

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

Try It, Track It Form

Purpose and Scope

"*" indicates required fields

We believe that everyone who works at ENMU-Roswell wants to improve student learning outcomes. Because of this desire to improve student learning, instructors, program leaders, advisors, and many others make adjustments to what they do in hope of improving these outcomes. Regrettably, much of this good work happens in the dark without anyone knowing.

We want to shine a light on your good work! We hope that this form will be a way for us to capture some of this good work and be a way to share best practices. We also hope people will share those things that didn’t work as well or which were only partially successful. While sharing your struggles is not nearly as fun as sharing your successes, people often learn the most from those things that did not work as originally intended. We would also like to know what did not work (and why not) to avoid replicating the unintended consequences of strategies or innovations.

Information entered into this form will be compiled by ENMU-Roswell’s Institutional Research Office and brought before the Institutional Assessment Committee for discussion and action. We hope to regularly share this information to find best practices, support accreditation needs, and support campus professional development events.


Define the Problem or Question

Describe Assessment Results and Analysis

Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, docx, xlsx, csv, Max. file size: 12 MB, Max. files: 10.
    Upload data sets here. Be sure not to upload student information or any data that violates FERPA regulations. If you have questions about data, contact Todd DeKay in the Office of Institutional Research at [email protected]